Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hi! I'm Jamie and I live in Seattle, Washington USA.

I am currently working as a nanny/personal assistant. I spend my days at the Children's Museum, the park, and the zoo...I love my job.

Apart from my work I love to paint, play the piano and read. I am married to Erik, a local musician, and we will be celebrating 3 years of marriage this summer. He's the best! No kids yet, just a cat, but I am looking forward to the day (in the near future) when we will start our family!

Welcome to our blog!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hello from Seoul

At Jazz bar 'All That Jazz' in Itaewon, Seoul

Short and simple introduction of myself
Jamie Kim (Jung-eun Kim in Korean - 金廷恩)
Born in Los Angeles, CA but mostly lived as Seoulite in Seoul, South Korea
Currently working as PR Publicist at InComm Brodeur
baby artist who loves music (especially classical music)
wanna be IT Evangelist to introduce what benefits IT can bring to our life and the entire world

A dear friend of Jamie from Seattle! Yes, this is me :)